Five factors are always present when revolutionary breakthroughs happen, but the underlying key is simple: be courageous.
The "Be Fearless" principles can guide how to take that next step, whether you're working at a start-up, at a personal crossroads, or seeking motivation to make a life-altering shift. And the time has come to do so.
Part One: Make a Big Bet

Starting where you are is the finest – and only – way to begin any project. This is frequently preceded by the query, "Why not me?"
Every new enterprise will face difficulties and setbacks. You can gradually go ahead with any huge concept if you break it down into bits and start where you are. A significant budget, proven competence, or the foundations of a major corporation or organization are not required to launch a Big Bet.
All it takes is the capacity to appraise what you already have and how you might use it to progress your concept in your present circumstance. Begin there.
To make the world a better place, we must take greater risks and stake larger wagers. Assess yourself if you've ever had a brilliant idea that you wanted to pursue but a voice inside you whispered, "I could never achieve that."
Taking a thousand modest actions allows big, ambitious ideas to become a reality. With each new move made toward the objective, what seemed unattainable at first becomes increasingly conceivable.
Making a Big Bet might sometimes begin with shifting people's perceptions – and, in some cases, your own – of the power of one person to make a change. The most prevalent characteristic of Big Bets is that they frequently contradict conventional wisdom or defy belief before being verified.
Great ideas may originate from anyone, including those that the rest of the world would dismiss. Break down barriers and attain your goals.
Many Big Bets are made due to observing current trends or opting to launch a new one. While no crystal ball exists, many Big Bets have been made because someone boldly saw a different future – one is not yet seen by others – and pursued it. Peek around corners to envision the sort of future you want to create and tune out those who don't agree.
Now it's your turn to place your Big Bet. Define your goal, then break it down into small chunks. Every concept begins with a single step forward. Instead of focusing on your distractions, try to focus on what matters most to you.
Part Two: Be Bold, Take Risks

You won't be able to accomplish everything, but you can try. Make yourselves uneasy. Make a list of things you've always wanted to accomplish but haven't because you're afraid you won't succeed.
You get a stronger sense of life richness when you take chances. Fearless individuals are not daring; they merely can overcome their fears. You may have setbacks or disappointments, but you can always get back up and start moving forward.
The comfort zone produces nothing unusual. Take risks, venture into an unknown area, and attempt new things. The initial step forward is the most difficult. However, you may always give it a shot.
Few people are naturally drawn to danger. The majority of people want to reduce or remove it. However, replacing the phrase "risk-taking" with "research and development," danger becomes more bearable.
Risk is an inevitable aspect of the discovery process. Experimenting early and often is not only beneficial, but it is also necessary for the advancement of a concept or endeavor. Accept the idea of continually trying new things and coming up with new solutions to old issues.
Shift your mindset to see that the risks we take are our own form of required R&D - all part of the process of achieving greatness.
It's common for innovation and iterative development to go hand in hand; it's useful to take tried-and-true concepts and combine them with new insights and a new team.
Smaller, incremental discoveries are extremely beneficial to large-scale developments. Even in the most conventional industries, there is always an opportunity for fresh ideas. Continue where others have left off.
Many people's life regrets aren't related to things they've done, but rather to something they wish they had done but didn't. Seizing the moment has a certain power; if you select a more comfortable way instead of acting, you may come to regret it.
Make a point of jotting down the disadvantages of not taking the risk when you're thinking about breaking out of your comfort zone and attempting something new to progress your Big Bet.
Greatness does not come from a place of ease. It takes guts to embark on an experiment whose conclusion you can't anticipate, but that's where the magic happens.
Begin with tiny, courageous steps and gradually increase your confidence. Progress frequently entails learning from those who have gone before you. Examine both accomplishments and failures. Remember, it doesn't take a genius to achieve greatness. Start by becoming a sponge and working your way up.
Part Three: Make Failure Matter

Suppose you look into the lives of everyone who has accomplished something remarkable. In that case, you'll discover a failure tale somewhere along the path. Each of us must confront whether we would try again if we failed the first time. Failure is an unavoidable reality.
Perhaps you haven't yet fallen, but you will. And if that occurs, fail quickly, fail forward, improve, and then go accomplish something truly amazing. When you do anything with failure, it becomes good.
Rejection hurts, but it may also inspire you to be more creative. Many of the individuals we respect the most built their success on the backs of failures that prompted incredible turnarounds.
Oprah Winfrey was dismissed from her first job as a local news co-anchor. Thomas Edison was reportedly described as "too foolish to learn" by a teacher, and Steve Jobs was sacked from Apple in 1985.
Extraordinary leaders and great achievers have failed several times on their own journeys to success. So remember that the next time you fail, you're following in the footsteps of greatness.
The fear of failure may be particularly crippling for people who are taught to feel "other" in society. Because you have "something to prove," this sense of disenfranchisement may be exploited as a force multiplier.
Perhaps you're concerned about what others would say if you fall. Especially if you believe your failure may contribute to the prejudice against who is and who isn't expected to achieve great things. Many people defy probability and accomplish amazing things, regardless of where they came from. So can you.
Every person's life is divided into chapters. Disappointments give birth to new chances. Timing and external variables may have a huge impact on whether or not an idea succeeds – or fails.
It's critical to be clear-headed about the reality of embarking on a new venture. Failures might occur not because of a wrong idea but because of poor implementation. The goal is to recognize the risk of loss early on so that you may adjust your path before it's too late.
It's critical to have an open and honest dialogue about what's working and what isn't. You should also enlist the assistance of others to help you figure out what's wrong so you can make necessary modifications along the road. It isn't required to get discouraged by a setback early on.
Early failure does not have to be fatal. Take the long view and have a positive outlook on the future.
Every great inventor has failed, but only the truly great among them learn from their mistakes and use them to drive them ahead. Examine whether failure or the fear of failure is obstructing your progress.
It's natural to want to hide your mistakes since they're humiliating. Instead, acknowledge your shortcomings. Take advantage of the chance to share what you've learned and reaffirmed your devotion to your objective.
Perfection is a figment of the imagination. In fact, achieving success is a long journey filled with peaks, valleys, and stones. There isn't anything you can't do.
Part Four: Reach Beyond Your Bubble

We all have prejudices, according to studies. You must widen your awareness of the world if you want to be a changemaker. Eliminating blind spots in our thoughts and organizations might be intimidating.
Still, it can also be a great way to widen our horizons and find new and innovative solutions. Because of the nature of being in a bubble, you often don't realize you're in one. To break out from complacency, you must make a conscious effort.
As you move forward with your Big Bet, seek out people with varied ideas and backgrounds. Part of the secret to success is the capacity to work with and understand individuals who are not like you.
As a result, forming unusual alliances can be beneficial. Collaborative efforts between people who are quite different and complement one another's skills have progressed great companies, products, and movements.
Sometimes, to be seen and heard, you must enlist the help of an unlikely ally. In an era when so many people withdraw to their corners, bold changemakers must come out into the arena's middle and invite everyone else to join them.
We must alter the way we view each other to change how we interact with the environment. More diverse companies are more productive and wealthy. We will boost our economy and ensure that everybody has a fair chance at the American dream if we democratize entrepreneurship and establish more inclusive firms.
This entails being unafraid to challenge the current quo - not just in business but in our whole society. As evidence has demonstrated, people begin to think of diversity not just as a pleasure to have but as a wise approach for maximizing performance.
When developing a project or movement, it's critical to look at a wide range of prospective partners rather than depending on the "usual suspects." When individual powerhouses join forces, the results may be striking. Partnerships can help you develop. We are stronger when we work together.
We all have unconscious biases and blind spots that distort our perceptions of reality. Only by consciously perceiving and feeling what we don't know can we overcome them.
Surround yourself with people who are different from you when you launch your Big Bet so that they can provide fresh viewpoints. Make a conscious effort to plan your partnerships.
Take a step forward — out of your comfort zone and make something stronger by combining different elements.
Part Five: Let Urgency Conquer Fear

Urgency may be beneficial. When your back is against the wall, your alternatives are limited. You don't have much time on your hands; a sense of clarity may emerge, bringing with it a fearlessness you may not have realized you possessed.
We frequently have a choice in how we respond to a sense of urgency. We may turn away and allow complacency to take root. Or we can use these opportunities to let urgency overcome fear and make a difference.
Any organization – or individual – may go into the middle of a crisis and make a difference. It's easy to stereotype first responders as bold and hasty, yet anybody may respond to a situation they encounter. Jump into a problem and take action.
Don't overthink or dissect things. Just go for it. According to studies, the more time you spend gathering information and making decisions, the more reluctant you get. The more likely you are to continue with the status quo and overlook superior alternatives.
The sense of urgency may be a great incentive to enter the arena without fear. It's up to you to let the moment's urgency overcome your anxiety and propel you ahead.
The first step toward greatness is to resolve to be the person who does not allow life to happen to you. You are in charge of the type of impression you make on the world. Choose your battleground and get started.
People turn into heroes not because they are endowed with superhuman abilities but because they choose to act when faced with a crisis.
Make the decision to be one of the first to take action. Make a difference in the world.